April 3, 2025 by Paul Karlsgodt
My promise to provide close-to-real-time updates of the Haifa conference was derailed by my lack of a Israeli power cord adapter to charge my laptop. In truth, Israel mostly uses the same two-pronged circular plugs used throughout Europe, but I forgot adapters altogether, and it sounds better to say that I lacked a specific adaptor unique to one small country. In any event, I now have to convert my combined typed and handwritten conference notes to a series of blogs in lieu of live-blogging.
I will not attempt to give a detailed narrative of everything that was said during each presentation. Instead, I’ll give you just a few of the highlights and insights I gained from each presentation. What follows is the first installment. You’ll observe that my notes became less detailed as the conference went on. Please be assured that this is not a reflection of any diminishing quality in the content, but rather a symptom of my less-than-admirable work ethic.
But don’t fear, the conference was videotaped in its entirety, so very soon you’ll be able to enjoy all of the content as if you were there in person. Check back for updates (but by now I’m sure you’ve learned, don’t hold your breath). For now, you can find the conference materials here.
Panel 1: Class and collective redress – Global co-operation and developments
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University of California Hastings Law Professor Richard Marcus introduced a theme that would resonate throughout the remainder of the conference: the idea of US-style class actions being the “Big Bad Wolf” of collective redress procedures, at least as viewed by many in other jurisdictions considering similar procedures. Marcus focused his comments not only on how class action practice has been changing in the US in recent years, but also on the explosion of multi-district litigation over the past 15 years.
The remaining panelists gave updates on developments in collective actions in other jurisdictions, primarily civil law jurisdictions, juxtaposing those developments against the “Big Bad Wolf”. Professor Astrid Stadler discussed competing proposals being considered for a collective redress regime in the European Union, one proposed by the EU commission, which would cover consumer law only, and a competing proposal from ELI/UNIDROIT, which would be a general procedure not limited by subject matter. Both proposals would include a limited opt-out procedure, where non-parties to the litigation could be bound by the outcome unless they opt out, as opposed to having to do something affirmative to opt in to the litigation.
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Professor Ianika Tzankova next offered insights about developments in the Netherlands. She pointed out that Dutch law provides for an interesting combination of typical civil law collective redress procedures but also includes a mechanism for settlement of mass disputes that allows for class action settlements similar to those available under US law. She described a new Dutch collective action law that has recently been passed by the legislature but has not yet come into force.
Professor Claudia Lima Marques discussed the rise of “model” cases resolution and the fall of “class actions” in Brazil. Brazil has an existing collective action procedure, but a recently enacted law calls for issues common to repetitive cases to be identified by the courts and treated as model cases and put on a fast track for resolution, where the decision in the model case becomes binding on other cases involving similar issues. She noted that the current law does not give any priority for collective actions to be chosen as model cases, so the effect is often that an individual litigant’s case is chosen as a model while collective actions are stayed. A bill to give collective actions priority as model cases has failed.
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Posted in CLE Programs, International Class Action Law | Tagged brazil, 苹果加速器永久免费, comparative law, dutch, EU european union, international class actions, israel, netherlands, UK, United States | Leave a Comment »